There are a lot of things I did that were not advised to do but still did anyway. In the beginning of the first quarter the very first mistake I made was focusing on an assignment that was very difficult for me to complete. I could have moved on, completing other assignments and coming back to it later. Even ask for help ! But no sadly I was obsessed with it for three days on my own until I raised my hand for help. The second mistake I made was continuing to work with a partner that did not help me at all. I was scared to be alone and to even present by myself. So, I did two major projects by myself that resulted in two all-nighters and barely completed it by the due date. The whole reason to be partners instead of being by myself was them to be able to present. The day came where it was time to present and I alone was there that day while they overslept and skipped the day in school. Those were on two separate occasions by the way. So the final project I had I did alone. And I was glad because my ex-teammate just goofed off and played the whole time we were supposed to work on it.I kept forgetting to do my work at home so I could finish them. I then made the mistake of forgetting to press submit on my assignments resulting in a lot of lost points. Now what I tried to do in an AP Computer Science class. So double check to see if you actually submit it. Make sure to set a reminder to do the work at home if you didn’t complete it at class so you don’t stay behind. Make a calendar on when things are due. Focus on the summative first, since they are eighty percent worth more and if you aren’t sure which ones are, ask! Or check Infinite Campus.